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Ricky's Bio Picture

Dr. Ricky V Kyles Sr.

Greetings. I seek to devote the remainder of whatever time I have left, finishing my fourth quarter strong. After serving twenty-eight years in the military, I desire to use my gifts and talents to impact those in my sphere of influence the necessity of Christ-followers to Think Critically From An Evangelical Worldview.

The Evangelical Community is replete with individuals who do not what they believe or know why they believe. Despite the plethora of tools available to this generation, the dearth of knowledge is staggering.

While I have no control over the outcome of my effort, I am determined to set my face like a flint and proclaim God's truth all day, errday, and twice on Sundays! 
To the degree I am accurate, I keep my hand to the plow and seek to serve for an Audience of One.

With fear and trembling,
Ricky V. Kyles Sr. DEdMin.


Pam's Bio Picture

Sister Pamela Unay

Hello there! I am humbled and thankful to be invited as a guest writer here in this space.


As the Holy Spirit leads, my contributions will focus on topics relating to women.  The main goal will be to challenge women, especially young women, to move through life Thinking Critically From An Evangelical Worldview and not accepting the narrative dictated by the Culture, but instead consulting God’s Word for Truth! 


Currently, I reside in the city of Chicago. Since becoming a Christian in the 1990s, I have taught Sunday School Lessons to both children and women and have also facilitated several Life Groups through my local Church that were also geared towards women.


Looking forward to this journey!

Your sister in Christ,

Pamela Unay



Brother Ricky V. Kyles Jr.

I am the only son of the website's host, and I am too humbled to be asked to be part of the team. My father and I share many similarities, chief amongst them is our desire to grow in Christlikeness and our desire to see the Chicago Cubs win more championships.


My dad raised me to believe it is important to leave any situation better than it was first found. One of the ways I believe I can add value to this audience is through physical fitness. I am a certified personal trainer, and my passion is seeing people transform their physical fitness levels.


I desire that people understand that Thinking Critically From An Evangelicals Worldview will necessarily include a physical pursuit as much as the spiritual one.

I will be providing physical fitness goals and timely tips so you might finish your journey strong. Now, let's ready to Geterdun!


In His Grip,

Ricky FitlikeSlick Kyles Jr.



Thinking Critically from an Evangelical Worldview © 2021. All Rights Reserved

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