Shame on you, African American females, and my object of scorn is directed solely to AA females who profess Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior.
Evangelicals never expect pagans to act in any manner other than being pagans. We expect and demand that Christ-followers act in a manner consistent with God’s revealed Word and we do so with full Biblical authority, consent and blessing.
Nothing about the candidacy of Kamala Harris had any proximity to Christianity. It is abundantly clear you are idol worshippers.
Guess what? There will be zero idol worshippers in Heaven, period, full-stop, and end of story.
Unless you repent and turn and do so publicly and with a full chest, you will die in your sin.
Voting for Kamala Harris was NOT an agree-to-disagree issue. I can not even begin to fathom how any Bible-believing Evangelical could even start to justify such rank moral reasoning biblically.
The candidacy of Kamala Harris was birthed from the very pit of Hell, and no Christ-follower would have ANYTHING to do with such debauchery and save your DJT reference.
I carry no water for DJT and did not vote for him. What I do know is Kamala Harris was beyond the pale, and no one who takes God’s Word seriously would even consider for one second they could vote for her.
I would sooner vote for a known racist (and there is no indisputable evidence that DJT is a racist) before I politically aligned with someone with the morally deplored positions of Kamala Harris.
Shame on you AA females who profess Jesus Christ. Many of you will be in for a rude awakening when you step into eternity.